Move Your Body
Free Your Mind
Energize Your Spirit

On Path Healing Arts YouTube Channel

Explore the On Path Healing Arts YouTube channel for building your own practice.
Choose from our many playlist categories to focus in on what suits you best today!
A sample of the playlist links are available below. Enjoy :)


Elevate Your Energy

Boost your vitality with Qi Gong: Breathe, Stretch, and Elevate your Energy Level.

TaiChi n Sedona group.JPG

Move Your Body

We are designed to move freely with strength and flexibility. The more diverse ways we move our body, the more we can access our full potential for health.


Breathe & Relax

Breathe, Quiet Your Mind, and Rest Into Inner Awareness.

Enjoy this short and easy qi gong warm up set.

 Great way to start your day, take a break, or to refresh yourself.
Stretch, breathe, energize, and relax.
You deserve a gentle dose of daily self-care and joy.


Enjoy this Short Qi Gong Energy Meditation

Get Centered into your heart space and then a gentle energy stretch.